golang Archive

golibnotify is a Go library for sending desktop notifications on Linux. It is a wrapper around the libnotify library.

There are some memory leak fixes in the latest release, v0.2.0.

Golang Open Source My Stuff

The Golang web app framework, Buffalo, has a very good templating system called Plush. It adds some nice features to the standard library templating specific to web applications such as partials and local context. It’s pretty intuitive if you’re coming from Rails. While the default setup makes rendering a template as a response to a request super easy, using rendered template content elsewhere isn’t so obvious. Once you see it though, it’s pretty straightforward to render a template to a string within your action handler functions.

Buffalo Golang

For many recent projects, I’ve been using the excellent Buffalo web development eco-system. It’s a great collection of tools and packages for building web applications without needing to reinvent the wheel for each app. In this post, I’ll be highlighting a technique I use based on the service object design pattern of abstracting business logic from your applicaton implementation to increase readability and reusability. But, why? Here’s a scenario I find myself in with increasing frequency.

Golang Buffalo

Recently I’ve been dabling in Go. I was lured in by the lore of a purposefully simple language with amazing concurrency features. While that is true, I have to admit that I stayed around for the documentation. Golang.org has a this great Tour which walks you through the basics of the language through interactive examples and exercises. Secondly, the godoc command has a --server flag which spins up essentially a local copy of golang.



Christopher R Marshall


Enjoys programming web applications; especially in Go and Ruby. Also enjoys playing ice hockey as a goalie and playing the guitar.
